Oracle Aconex Training Level 1
Oracle Aconex Training Level 1
Course Documents
Basic Tasks in Documents
These are the everyday tasks you'll carry out regularly within Documents.
- File Naming Guidelines and Best Practices
- Upload a document into Aconex.
- Update (Supersede) a Document
- Download a document from Aconex.
- View Document Activity
- Open and Review Documents in Aconex
- Transmit your document.
- Upload documents from external services.
- Preview a Document.
- Resolving File Not Loading errors in the Office Online Viewer
Advanced Tasks in Documents
These are tasks that usually only advanced users will carry out.
- Edit Document field values inline.
- Documents marked 'awaiting your review'.
- Mark document as no longer in use
- View the Event Log to see which users have accessed or changed a document.
- What are Temporary Files?
- Duplicate versions of the same document.
- What is a "locked document"? How do I lock or unlock a document
- Restore a previous version of a document
Superseding and Transmitting Documents
- What is a supersede candidate?
- Transmit updated documents to people who have old versions using an auto-update transmittal.
- Access previous versions of a superseded document
- Manually update your document register from a transmittal.
Using Related Items
You can use Related Items to create relationships between documents. Then when you look at the properties of a document you can see a
list of all related documents and navigate to them directly.
- What is Related Items?
- Viewing Related Items
- Adding Related Items
- Remove documents in Related Items.
Working with a Large Number of Documents
Following these processes can help save you time.
- Restrictions when working with a large number of documents.
- Create multiple document placeholders at the same time.
- Upload multiple documents and move them into the Document Register
- Upload multiple documents to aconex at the same time using a Zip file upload
- Create a document upload profile
- Upload and supersede files in batches
- What is a metadata file?
- Upload and supersede documents using the Multi File Upload tool
- Download multiple document files
- How do I manage the document review process?
- Are you managing the request and review cycle with your suppliers?
Searching in Aconex
Find the right information when you need it.
- Search Basics
- Working with Search
- Advanced Search Techniques
- Search-Based Reports
Use Mail for everyday communications and processes on your Aconex project.
Mail Basics
- Create mail.
- Add recipients to mail.
- Attach files or documents to mail.
- Reply to or forward mail.
- Send a draft mail.
- Options in mail
- Send confidential mail.
Email Notifications
- Configure your email notifications.
- Open Mail from an email notification
- Reply to an email notification (as a guest)
- Register Incoming Mail received from outside Aconex.
Manage Mail
- Mark mail as read.
- Mark mail as unread
- Mark sent mail as your response.
- Close-out sent mail.
- Create a mail signature.
- Create a mail template (auto-text)
- Set a default template (auto-text) for a mail type.
Other Tasks in Mail
- Create a mailing group
- Send mail to a group
- Add notes to mail
- View mail awaiting approval
- Print mail
Workflows make it easy to set up, track, and complete document reviews on your project.
- What are Workflows
- Review Document in a Workflow
- Start and Manage Document Reviews
- Create and edit Review Templates
- Workflows for Org Admins
- Workflows for Project Admins
- Sub workflows
Tasks in Aconex
Use the Tasks page to manage your 'to do' list in Aconex.
- Tour of the Tasks page
- Clearing tasks from your Tasks page
- Opening mail from the Tasks page
- Receive automatic email notifications for overdue tasks
- Managing your mail via the Tasks page
- Opening a document transmittal
- Open documents in a workflow to review them.
Frequently Asked Question
- Document control -What is document control and its procedures?
- Document control certification online ? Benefits of Document control?
- Document controller jobs -What does a document controller do?
- Executive Secretary -What are the skills of executive secretary?
- Oracle ? What is the fee of Oracle training course?
- Oracle certification -Which Oracle certification is best?
- Oracle certification courses ? How do I become Oracle certified?
- Oracle cloud ? What is Oracle Cloud called and its features?