Advanced Microsoft Excel -Microsoft Training Courses in Dubai
Advanced Microsoft Excel -Microsoft Training Courses in Dubai
Microsoft Advanced Excel is a spreadsheet application developed by Microsoft for Microsoft Windows and Mac OS. It features calculation, graphing tools, pivot tables, and a macro programming language called Visual Basic for Applications. It has been a ver y widely applied spreadsheet for these platforms.
Microsoft Advanced Excel Training course has the basic features of all spreadsheets, using a grid of cells arranged in numbered rows and letter-named columns to organize data manipulations like arithmetic operations. It has a battery of supplied functions to answer statistical, engineering and financial needs. In addition, it can display data as line graphs, histograms and charts, and with a very limited three-dimensional graphical display. It allows sectioning of data to view its dependencies on various factors for different perspectives (using pivot tables and the scenario manager).
Overview of the course:
Microsoft Advanced Excel is a spreadsheet application developed by Microsoft for Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X. It features calculation, graphing tools, pivot tables, and a macro programming language called Visual Basic for Applications. It has been a widely applied spreadsheet for these platforms, especially since version 5 in 1993, and it has replaced Lotus 1-2-3 as the industry standard for spreadsheets. Excel forms part of Microsoft Office.
Microsoft Advanced Excel Training course has the basic features of all spreadsheets, using a grid of cells arranged in numbered rows and letter-named columns to organize data manipulations like arithmetic operations. It has a battery of supplied functions to answer statistical, engineering, and financial needs. In addition, it can display data as line graphs, histograms, and charts, and with a minimal three-dimensional graphical display. It allows the sectioning of data to view its dependencies on various factors for different perspectives (using pivot tables and the scenario manager).
It has a programming aspect, Visual Basic for Applications, allowing the user to employ various numerical methods, such as solving differential equations of mathematical physics and then reporting the results back to the spreadsheet. It also has multiple interactive features allowing user interfaces that can completely hide the spreadsheet from the user, so the spreadsheet presents itself as a so-called application, or decision support system (DSS), via a custom-designed user interface.
In a more elaborate realization, an Excel application can automatically poll external databases and measuring instruments using an updated schedule, analyze the results, make a Word report or PowerPoint slide show, and e-mail these presentations regularly to a list of participants. Microsoft allows for a number of optional command-line switches to control how Excel starts.
Learn advanced excel course and get valuable tips and tricks; enhance your skills with applied spreadsheet, calculation, graphing tools, pivot tables, and a macro-programming or Visual Basic for Applications language. Zabeel provides best advanced Excel training in Dubai, Sharjah, Abu Dhabi. We are one of the Top ranking training institute in Dubai.
Advanced excel course is for all kind of professionals those who is looking to increase their quality productivity with advanced functions, calculation, graphing tools, pivot tables, formulas, VBA, and data process. learn Microsoft with Zabeel, its practical-oriented excel training institute offer Microsoft training courses and advance excel course in Dubai, Sharjah, and Abu Dhabi, UAE.
Learning Outcome of Microsoft training courses:
Upon successful completion of Microsoft Advanced Excel Training course, students will be able to:
- Use Microsoft Excel in business more effectively
- Perform analysis and evaluation to assist in enhancing the decision making process
- Understand and create pivot tables and pivot charts
- Visualize and manipulate data
- Prepare business and flash reports to senior management
- Will be able to design professional-level spreadsheets to lay out data intelligently and usefully
Who needs the course?
Business analysts and professionals, supervisors and staff from any function that need to improve their understanding and use of Microsoft Excel as an important tool to produce more effective and efficient work.
Zabeel Institute is considered as the best training institute in Dubai for Microsoft Advanced Excel course.
Detailed Course Content:
Microsoft Advanced excels training course content will cover the below portions:
- Excel Basic-Level 0
- Advanced Excel- Level 1
- Advance Excel Level 2 - with Pivot Tables, Macros, Formulas & Functions
- Advance Excel with VBA
- Advance Excel with Financial Modelling

Course No 1: Excel Basics - Level 0
- SESSION 1: Title Bar
- SESSION 2: Quick Access Tool Bar
- SESSION 3: Back Stage View
- SESSION 4: Name Box
- SESSION 5: Formula Bar
- SESSION 6: Clipboard
- SESSION 7: Formatting
- SESSION 8: Filters
- SESSION 9: Column Charts
- SESSION 10: Page Setup
- SESSION 11: Print Titles
- SESSION 12: Paste Special
- SESSION 13: Format Painter
- SESSION 14: Relative Address
- SESSION 15: Working with Multiple Worksheets
- SESSION 16: Merge And Center
- SESSION 17: Defined Named Ranges
- SESSION 18: Date Functions
- SESSION 19: Text Functions
- SESSION 20: Protecting a Worksheet
- SESSION 21: Importing Text Files
Course No 2: Advance Excel - Level 1
- SESSION 1: Setting Up a workbook
- SESSION 2: Working with Data and Excel Tables - including Converting A Range to Table
- SESSION 3: Performing Calculations on Data - including Lookup Functions, Formula Auditing & Countif
- SESSION 4: Changing Workbook Appearance - including Conditional Formatting
- SESSION 5: Focusing on Specific Data by Using Filters
- SESSION 6: Reordering and Summarizing Data - including Absolute Address, Data Validation & Consolidation, Data Tables
- SESSION 7: Combining Data from Multiple sources - including Creating Dashboards
- SESSION 8: Analyzing alternative Data Sets - including Remove Duplicates, Sorting & Custom Sort
- SESSION 9: Creating Dynamic Lists by using PivotTables - including Pivot chart
- SESSION 10: Creating Charts and Graphics - including Pie Chart, Combination Chart & Sparklines)
- SESSION 11: Printing and setting up a print area
- SESSION 12: Automating Repetitive Tasks by Using Macros
- SESSION 13: Working with Other Microsoft Office Program - including Database functions and Data Linking
- SESSION 14: What-If-Analysis - including Goal Seek and Scenario Manager
Course No 3: Advance Excel Level 2 - with Pivot Tables, Macros, Formulas & Functions
- SESSION 1: Introducing Formulas and Functions - including recording a macro
- SESSION 2: Creating Formulas that Manipulate Text - including recording a Macro-Using Relative References
- SESSION 3: Working with Dates and Times
- SESSION 4: Creating Formulas that Count and Sum
- SESSION 5: Creating Formulas that Look Up Values
- SESSION 6: Creating Formulas for Financial Applications
- SESSION 7: Introducing Array Formulas
- SESSION 8: Performing Magic with Array Formulas
- SESSION 9: Getting Started Making Chartss
- SESSION 10: Learning Advanced Charting
- SESSION 11: Visualizing Data Using Conditional Formatting - including editing a macro
- SESSION 12: Creating Sparkline Graphics
- SESSION 13: Enhancing Your Work with Pictures and Drawings
- SESSION 14: Customizing the Excel User Interface - including Assigning a Macro to a Button
- SESSION 15: Using Custom Number Format
- SESSION 16: Using Data Validation
- SESSION 17: Creating and Using Worksheet Outlines
- SESSION 18: Linking and Consolidating Worksheets
- SESSION 19: Excel and the Internet
- SESSION 20: Sharing Data with Other Office Applications
- SESSION 21: Using Excel in a Workgroup
- SESSION 22: Protecting Your Work
- SESSION 23: Making Your Worksheets Error-Free
- SESSION 24: Getting Data from External Database Files
- SESSION 25: Introducing Pivot Tables
- SESSION 26: Analyzing Data with Pivot Tables
- SESSION 27: Performing Spreadsheet What-If Analysis
- SESSION 28: Analyzing Data Using Goal Seeking and Solver
- SESSION 29: Analyzing Data with the Analysis ToolPak
Course No 4: Advance Excel with VBA
- SESSION 1: Introducing Visual Basic for Applications
- SESSION 2: Creating Custom Worksheet Functions
- SESSION 3: Creating UserForms
- SESSION 4: Using UserForm Controls in a Worksheet
- SESSION 5: Working with Excel Events
- SESSION 6: VBA Examples
- SESSION 7: Creating Custom Excel Add-Ins
Course No 5: Advance Excel with Financial Modelling
Basic Features of MS Excel-Advanced Excel Training
- A First Look At MS Excel
- What are Worksheets and Workbooks?
- Cells, Rows, Columns
- Cell References (Absolute, Relative...)
- Types Of Operators
MS Excel Financial Functions
(To calculate depreciations)
- Use the SYD function to calculate Depreciation
- Use the SLN function to calculate straight-line Depreciation
- Production per hour
- Calculate the age of a person in days
Business and Financial Data Validation
(To validate the error in cash flow, fund flow, etc.)
- Setting-Up Your Validation Rules
- Selecting Different Input Variables
- Using Lists to Restrict Data Input to Your Business Model
Working with Financial Data
(To sort the list, salary list, stock list etc.)
- Sort
- Creating Form
- Subtotal
- Text To Columns
Business and Financial Functions
(Investment & share details etc)
- Decide Amount To Invest
- Compare investments
- Using the double-declining balance method
- Determine the payment of a loan
Must Tools for Every Business and Finance Professional
(Trial balance, balance sheet, cash flow etc)
Data Consolidation (employee sheet, sales budget, etc)
- Using Appropriate Function
- Selecting Different References
- Creating Source To Consolidated Data
Pivot Table and Pivot Charts - A Must Learn Tool
- Using Your Own Data( stock data, cash flow, trial balance)
- Using Your Imported Data
- Using Consolidation Ranges( employee salary)
- Enhancing Your Report with Data and Format Options( variance report)
We are fully accredited Institute by KHDA and endorsed by students as the best microsoft advanced excel training institute in Dubai.
To know more about Microsoft Excel Wiki click here
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Frequently Asked Question
- What do you learn in Microsoft Office?
- Is it worth getting Microsoft certified?
- How much does Microsoft Office cost?
- Difference between MS Office & Student version?
- Online vs. In-Person Excel Courses: Which is better in 2024?
- What Are Advanced Excel Formulas and Why Are They Important?
- Why are Advanced Excel Essentials Important for Professionals?
- Resources and Tips for Mastering Advanced Excel Tasks in 2024
- What Types of Excel Courses are Available in Dubai?
- How do I learn Financial Modeling?
- What is the duration of Advanced excel course?
- What is the best way to learn advanced Excel?
- What is the fee of MS excel training?
- What are the most important Excel skills?
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