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 Microsoft SQL server

Microsoft SQL server – What is Microsoft SQL Server used for?

Microsoft SQL Server is one of the market leaders for database innovation. It’s a relational data source administration system that supports a number of applications, consisting of company knowledge, deal handling, and analytics. This article discusses and explains to you the Microsoft SQL server and what is Microsoft SQL Server is used for? Microsoft SQL...Read More
SQL server 2019

SQL server 2019 -What are the new features of SQL Server 2019?

SQL Server 2019 (15. x) builds on previous launches to expand SQL Web server as a system that offers you choices of advancement languages, information kinds, on-premises or cloud settings, and running systems. This article discusses and explains to you the SQL server 2019 and what are the new features of SQL Server 2019? New...Read More
SQL server management studio

SQL server management studio -What does SQL Management Studio do?

SQL server management studio (SSMS) is an integrated atmosphere for managing any SQL infrastructure, from SQL Server to Azure SQL Data Source. SSMS gives devices to set up, keep track of, as well as carry out instances of SQL Web server and data sources. This article discusses and explains to you the SQL server management...Read More
SQL server

SQL server – How much does the SQL server course fee?

The SQL Server is a relational database management system from Microsoft. The system is designed and built is to manage and store information. The system supports various business intelligence operations, analytics operations, and transaction processing. This article discusses and explains to you the SQL server and how much does SQL server course fee? What is SQL...Read More