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iata ground services training fees dubai
Passenger service agent

What is a passenger service agent?

The passenger service agent acts as a ground host or hostess and is highly visible and helpful to the public. Working as a Passenger Service Agent will allow you to gain important customer service skills with passengers and will help you get used to working for an airline and around passengers. It also gives you...Read More
Passenger ground services certification

Passenger ground services certification:How long is PGS course?

Passenger ground service certification is one of the most demanded certification courses in the UAE at the moment. IATA provides passenger service certification courses and airport ground handling Certification. The IATA Passenger ground services certification course is for two months. Passenger ground service certification helps to learn about the latest technological innovations in passenger services....Read More
Passenger ground service jobs

Passenger ground service jobs-Duties include passenger ground service

Passenger ground service in Dubai is one of the most demanded jobs in the UAE. Passenger ground service jobs help to learn about the latest technological innovations in passenger services. Passenger ground service jobs are critical for entering the airline or aviation industry. This article discusses and explains to you the Passenger ground service jobs....Read More
Passenger ground services salary

Passenger ground services salary- salary of Passenger ground services?

Passenger ground services salary is handsome and challenging. And Passenger ground services require good managerial skills to manage all the customers. Candidates looking for a career as ground staff need to be friendly and calm. Passenger Ground service agents play a significant role in the aviation industry.so Passenger ground services salary is more attractive in...Read More
IATA Passenger ground services

IATA Passenger ground services: What is ground handling services at the airport?

IATA Passenger ground services are one of the most demanded certification courses in the UAE at the moment. The IATA Passenger Ground Services program aims to develop a new generation of global aviation executives, those who can operate across boundaries and successfully lead our industry in the challenging years to come. This article discusses and...Read More