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Finance for Non Finance course in Dubai |UAE - Zabeel Institute
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Finance for Non-Finance Manager course in Dubai

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Overview of Finance for Non Finance course Program 

Finance for non finance manager Certification Course is one of the most demanded certification course in UAE at the moment.  Finance for non finance training course provides Structure and Interrelationship of Financial Statements, Assets and Ownership, Income Statement, Financial Reporting, Finance and Accounting, Cost Accounting, Profit vs. Cash Flow, Cash Flow Statement, Measures of Financial Leverage, Cost Accounting, Controllable and Uncontrollable Expenses, Fixed and Variable Expenses, Strategic Planning vs. Operational Planning, Budgeting Process, financing and business, Capital Stock etc.

Finance for non finance course is very important. There is a great need for better communication between financial and non-financial  professionals, for a better tool to help the non-financial manager understand the language of finance, and for the financial professional to learn the terminology that has meaning for the non-financial manager.

Who should attend finance for non finance managers course?

The finance for non finance course/ training program is  designed for Executives, Managers, Sales and Marketing Personnel , Senior Managers , etc., who wants to upgrade their knowledge in finance benefit from a greater understanding of how the financial side of their business operates and achieve the finance for non finance certification. 

Learning Outcome:

Finance for non-finance course Session 1

finance for non-finance course discusses how events in the business world today have increased the need for financially savvy managers. Business managers and owners today need to have both financial integrity and a degree of financial competence not previously expected of them. It is no longer good enough to keep poor accounting records in the belief that the accountants will clean it all up at the end of the year, so the company can file correct tax returns. It is no longer good enough to scan a financial report to find the profit number for the month, so that the rest of the report may be ignored. It is no longer good enough for a manager to be ignorant of financial terminology if he or she wants to climb the corporate ladder, or even be demonstrably successful in a current job. You need more about finance for non finance qualification

Finance for non finance course Sessions 2 through 6

finance for non finance course Session 2 through 6 cover the basic financial reports you should typically see on a monthly basis, with lots of tips on reading, understanding, and using the information they contain.

Finance for non finance course Sessions 7 

finance for non finance course Sessions 7 and 8 which delve into the “hidden information” that every company has. Each is intended to explore a specific analysis area in which basic financial information is reorganized and detailed in more depth in order to present that hidden information.

The objective of these Sessions is for you to know how to get to that information from these reports and understand what the reports are telling you.

Session 7 focuses on operating ratios, selected relational calculations based on numbers in the financial statements. Their purpose is to show relationships between two variables that may not be visible in a casual reading of the statements, but that are important to assessing a company’s overall financial health. We will discuss some of the most common and useful ratios and how you can best use them to better understand the underlying strength of whatever it is they are measuring. This is a Session you might return to often, as it is a handy reference tool.

finance for non finance course Session 8

finance for non finance course Session 8 explains the essentials of cost accounting—how it works and why it is so important in helping a company control its gross profit margins. The fundamental purpose of cost accounting is to enable managers to know the actual cost of the products or services their company sells, so they can choose to sell more of the profitable ones and less of the unprofitable ones.

finance for non finance course Session 9

This finance for non finance course session is about business planning. finance for non finance certification It discusses the importance of planning, the difference between strategic planning and operational planning, using vision and mission as the starting point for planning strategy, and setting long-term and short-term goals.

finance for non finance course Session 10

finance for non finance course Session 10 explains the fundamentals of financing a business—getting the capital to launch it and the working capital to operate it. This is an important area for growing businesses everywhere, because growth consumes capital often at a faster rate than a growing business can create it internally. This Session looks at both debt and equity financing, explains some of the techniques used, and discusses some of the advantages and disadvantages of each.

finance for non finance course Sessions 11 and 12

finance for non finance training course Session 11 and 12 explore the critical management function of planning, including operational planning and budgeting.  These sections are placed last so that you first get an understanding of the things you typically plan for—profits, cash flow, and financing the business—before you get into the planning itself.

Detailed Course Content:

The sessions below will help you achieve better finance for non finance qualification.

Session 1- How Critical Is Good Financial Information, Anyway?

  • Managing a Company in Today’s Business Environment
  • The Role of the Finance Department
  • GAAP: The “Rules” of Financial Reporting
  • The Relationship of Finance and Accounting to the Other Departments

Session 2- The Structure and Interrelationship of Financial Statements

  • Tracking the Life Cycle of a Company
  • The Chart of Accounts—A Collection of Buckets
  • The General Ledger—Balancing the Buckets
  • Accrual Accounting—Say What?
  • The Principal Financial Statements Defined
  • finance for non finance course materials

Session 3- The Balance Sheet: Basic Summary of Value and Ownership

  • Assets and Ownership—They Really Do Balance!
  • Current Assets—Liquidity Makes Things Flow
  • Fixed Assets—Property and Possessions
  • Other Assets—The “Everything Else” Category
  • Current Liabilities—Repayment Is Key
  • Long-Term Liabilities—Borrowed Capital
  • Ownership Comes in Various Forms
  • Using This Report Effectively
  • finance for non finance course syllabus

Session 4- The Income Statement: The Flow of Progress

  • They Say Timing Is Everything—And They’re Right!
  • Sales: The Grease for the Engine
  • Cost of Sales: What It Takes to Earn the Sale
  • Gross Profit: The First Measure of Profitability
  • Operating Expenses: Running the Business
  • Operating Income: The Basic Business Bottom Line
  • Other Income and Expenses—Not Just Odds and Ends
  • Income Before Taxes, Income Taxes, and Net Income
  • Earnings per Share, Before and After Dilution—What?
  • Using This Report Effectively

Session 5- A Profit vs. Cash Flow: What’s the Difference— and Who Cares?

  • The Cash Flow Cycle
  • Cash Basis vs. Accrual Basis
  • Net Profit vs. Net Cash Flow in Your Financial Reports

Session 6- The Cash Flow Statement: Tracking the King

  • Beginning Where the Income Statement Ends
  • Cash from Operations—Running the Business
  • Cash for Investing—Building the Business
  • Cash from Financing—Capitalizing the Business
  • Using This Report Effectively

Session 7- Critical Performance Factors: Finding the “Hidden” Information

  • What Are CPFs? Do They Mix with Water?
  • Measures of Financial Condition and Net Worth
  • Measures of Profitability
  • Measures of Financial Leverage
  • Measures of Productivity
  • Trend Reporting: Using History to Predict the Future

Session 8- Cost Accounting: A Short Course in Manufacturing Productivity

  • The Purpose of Cost Accounting—Strictly for Insiders
  • Fixed and Variable Expenses in the Factory
  • Controllable and Uncontrollable Expenses
  • Standard Costs—Little Things Mean a Lot
  • Manufacturing Cost Variances—Analysis for Action

Session 9- Business Planning: Creating the Future You Want, Step by Step

  • Why Take Time to Plan?
  • Strategic Planning vs. Operational Planning
  • Short-Term Goals and Milestones—The Operating Plan

Session 10- The Annual Budget: Financing Your Plans

  • Tools for Telling the Future: Budgets, Forecasts, Projections, and Tea Leaves
  • How to Budget for Revenues—The “Unpredictable” Starting Point
  • Budgeting Costs—Understanding Relationships That Affect Costs
  • The Budgeting Process—Trial and Error
  • Flexible Budgets—Whatever Happens, We’ve Got a Budget for It
  • Variance Reporting and Taking Action

Session 11- Financing the Business: Understanding the Debt vs. Equity Options

  • How a Business Gets Financed—In the Beginning and Over Time
  • Short-Term Debt—Balancing Working Capital Needs
  • Long-Term Debt—Semi-Permanent Capital or Asset Acquisition Financing
  • Convertible Debt—The Transition from Debt to Equity
  • Capital Stock—Types and Uses
  • finance for non-finance certification

Session 12- Attracting Outside Investors: The Entrepreneur’s Path

  • The Start-up Company: Seed Money and Its Sources
  • Strategic Investors: The Path to a Different Party
  • Acquisition: The Strategic Exit
  • finance for non-finance certification

For more details about the finance for non-finance qualification course and certification Training Syllabus 2019, download from the brochure session

Finance for Non-Finance Course Material:

For finance for non-finance qualification, the student would be provided with lecture notes as handouts or books, whichever is appropriate to the lecture.

Recommended reference books or websites will be suggested to the students for further reading if the student needs a deeper understanding of the topics covered in the class.

To learn more our finance and accounting Certification training, click here

For financial management details from Wikipedia, click here


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